Our policies
In the work to develop and sell concrete, special mortar including accessories and machine equipment, Bemix shall work for a long-term sustainable society and the human right to a healthy and rich life in harmony with nature.
The employee’s knowledge, feeling and reason must be guiding stars in the company’s environmental work.
Through continuous improvement, Bemix shall work for the prevention of pollution, reduced use of finite resources, preservation of biological diversity and efficient use of resources in the business. Cooperation with suppliers and customers is an important part of this work.
As far as technically and economically possible, Bemix will avoid materials and methods with environmental risks in favor of safer alternatives.
Bemix will at least fulfill the binding requirements that affect our operations.
August 2020
Karin Pettersson
VD Finja Bemix AB
We strive to provide sustainable products at every opportunity.
Our quality system aims to market and deliver products, which overall have the ability to satisfy the customer’s expressed and implied needs. The right level of quality is the result of commitment and work at all levels within the company.
In order to live up to our quality policy, we work based on the following guidelines:
- We put the customer in focus and want to be the customer’s first choice
- We offer our customers a high level of quality throughout the entire process
- We take full responsibility for our delivery
- We have an open and clear dialogue with the customer through personal service
Continuously trains us in our profession and revises and corrects the business to constantly improve in our quality work.
August 2020
Karin Pettersson
VD Finja Bemix AB
Bemix wants to be a responsible and attractive employer. We work systematically for a good and safe working environment and for equal treatment, equality and diversity.
For Bemix, caring for people is a central part of working sustainably. It covers everything from external issues such as local community projects to strengthen young people, to an internal perspective with the well-being and development of the own employees in focus.
For us, a safe and healthy workplace is our most important priority. We want to create a culture where we care about each other and feel good in our workplace.
August 2020
Karin Pettersson
VD Finja Bemix AB